Beat the Blues With Bright Spirits This Holiday Season

Declare your intention to be happy and upbeat during the holidays. Your word carries weight and your declaration will be a promise to yourself to stay in the spirit of the season. Be Love, Joy, and Blessings.
Be your own event-planner. Don’t be at the mercy of others or the victim of
traditions you no longer enjoy. Carefully craft a list of exactly how you want to spend each part of the holiday and who you want to spend it with.
Gratefulness is an antidote for stress and depression. At the end of each day, ask, “What or who, made me happy today?” “What or who inspired me?” And, “What or who made me feel deep comfort and calm?” At a holiday dinner, let each person around the table express three things they’re grateful for. Drink a toast celebrating your abundant blessings.
Honor loved ones who have passed on by placing a special ornament on the tree for them or lighting a candle.
Delight every one of your senses: Play music that makes your ears tingle and your heart soar; burn scented candles so fragrance meets you in every room; treat your taste buds to sweet and savory foods; wear soft cozy clothing so you can snuggle and stroke and touch the textures. Splash bright colors into every space you occupy- a bowl of red and green ornaments in the family room, a basket of red, green and yellow peppers in the kitchen.
Practice Supremely Supportive Self-care for the Season: Make a food plan
that’s nutritious and also allows for a few splurges. Keep moving through your regular exercise routine, or ramp it up a notch; add a new class you’ve
never tried before- and believed you never would! Practice self-compassion.
Laughter is good for the immune system. Yell “Laugh Attack!” every  afternoon at three no matter where you are. I guarantee people will join you in laughter, or think you’re crazy, or both.
Make cards or string popcorn or cranberries with children– your children or someone else’s. Do something “crafty.” The feeling of caring and engagement with the next generation makes us feel more alive.
Contact someone you care for, but haven’t seen in a long time. Catch-up and share what’s gone on in your lives.
Wear something outrageous on New Year’s Eve- add bangles on your wrists and bells around your ankles. Before midnight, write yourself a note on a beautiful card thanking yourself for all you’ve accomplished this year.

About Dr.Gail Carr Feldman

Dr. Gail Feldman, longtime psychologist, former assistant psychiatry professor, and award-winning author, has published six books, appeared on radio and television programs across the country, including Larry King Live, and has spoken internationally on creativity, resilience and the heroine’s journey. Her current passion is facilitating transformation through the Midlife Crash Course.
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