One Door Closes, Another Opens

  1. As the door closes on 2017, give yourself time to make a list all of your accomplishments during this year, big and small, in the important areas of your choice: family, work, health, money.
  1. Then read over your list and acknowledge, savor, and plan to celebrate all that you achieved in this past year.
  1. If you noticed a, “Yes, but…” regarding incompletions, list those separately. Then re-read that list and make declarations as to what you’ll proceed with and renew your efforts toward, or declare satisfaction with your progress and declare it complete, finished or not. You get to say.
  1. Choose some rewards and enjoy planning, scheduling, and

creating your celebrations. (At the very least, for small successes, give yourself a High-Five in the mirror!)

  1. Design and declare new intentions for this new year of 2018.

The following poem illustrates this combination of strength and flexibility, holding and releasing:

“Your hand opens and closes, opens and closes. If it were always a fist or always stretched open, you would be paralyzed. Your deepest presence is in every small contracting and expanding, the two as beautifully balanced and coordinated as birds’ wings.” Rumi

Completion is a form of balance. It frees our time, attention, power and focus. It allows us to be ready for what’s next.

What will you open the door to in 2018? If you need inspiration, go to Napoleon Hill’s 1937 classic motivational book, Think and Grow Rich. Not just about money, Hill’s program for goal-achievement will

help you take the first step and focus on your “definite chief aim.”

Write the one thing you wish to accomplish this year. Declare it possible and write a vision for how it feels and what life is like now that this goal has been achieved. Create actions to take and find others to support you in your endeavor. Energize your vision every day and bring enthusiasm to your work.

Know that you are up for every challenge and that the Universe is supporting you.

“Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it.

Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.” – Goethe

Embrace the magic and have the happiest of New Years!

I will serve others in every way that I can and I will practice what I teach about Wonder Woman: to be the

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Badass Wonder Woman Goddess I came here to be!

From this exercise, you’ll notice how you can release the past and hold fast to what and who supports you in every circumstance in the future.

“My point is, life is about balance. The good and the bad. The highs and the lows. The pina and the colada.” Ellen DeGeneres

  • What will you acknowledge and honor about 2015?
  • What can you release, bless and be complete with?

Let’s make sure we have both the pina and the colada!

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